Google paid a hacker $5,000 for finding a bug

Google paid a hacker $5,000 for finding a bug

Google paid a hacker $5,000 for finding a bug

A Russian security researcher discovered a flaw in YouTube that allowed anyone to delete any video uploaded to the site, The Register reports.
Kamil Hismatullin was searching for security vulnerabilities in YouTube in order to try and win one of the cash rewards that Google hands out to researchers.

 What is Cybercrime?
Cybercrime is a bigger risk now than ever before due to the sheer number of connected
people and devices.
You often hear the term ‘cybercrime’ bandied about these days, as it’s a bigger risk now than ever before due to the sheer number of connected people and devices. But what is it exactly? In a nutshell, it is simply a crime that has some kind of computer or cyber aspect to it. To go into more detail is not as straightforward, as it takes shape in a variety of different formats. We’ve put together this guide with some interesting and often alarming facts, to make it a little easier to digest:Cybercrime: The facts
Cybercrime has now surpassed illegal drug trafficking as a criminal moneymaker
Somebody’s identity is stolen every 3 seconds as a result of cybercrime
Without a sophisticated security package, your unprotected PC can become infected within four minutes of connecting to the Internet.

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Google paid a hacker $5,000 for finding a bug